Zvezdan Marković, dipl.ing., Industrija Motora Rakovica, Patrijarha Dimitrija 7, 11090 Beograd
Dr Predrag Petrovic, dipl.ing., Industrija Motora Rakovica, Patrijarha Dimitrija 7, 11090 Beograd
Abstract: IMR, as an engine and tractor manufacturer, has management politic for staying at the domestic and African market, but with opening the process of continuous improvement of our products, processes and all managing aspects for extension of our markets.
In the cadre of such management politic, the Project of standard ISO 9000 appliance, which will be finished this year,and the restoration of cooperation with our tredicional partners, “Perkins” (Britany) for instance, has a special place.
The restoration of cooperation has been started with facing of one type crankshafts which “Perkins” supplies for IMR from Sweden.To start that work we had to pass the audit procedure first, with corrective measures, including the appliance of process ability inspection which was one of them.
Key words: ISO 9000, quality, IMR, capability trials, product.